October 26 2022 0Comment
Real estate management

Real estate management in the Dominican Republic.

Residential and commercial real estate is an important asset in the portfolio of any investor, the value of which depends on how competent and professional the care and maintenance of the object is. If you are unable to independently monitor the condition of apartments or villas in the Dominican Republic or just want to delegate these responsibilities to a third-party company, entrust all organizational concerns to DomRent professionals. The result of cooperation with us will be a significant minimization of costs, an increase in rental profits and full provision of trouble-free operation of all engineering systems. We are experts in the field of real estate in the Dominican Republic, have experience in interacting with various administrative structures and are well aware of the peculiarities of local legislation, which allows us to guarantee impeccable quality in the management of any type of assets.

What is included in the portfolio of real estate management services in the Dominican Republic

By entrusting the after-sales service of residential or commercial premises to DomRent employees, you will significantly increase the investment attractiveness of the facility and its competitiveness. By taking over the management of real estate in the Dominican Republic, we ensure strict compliance with three main principles:

  • extracting the maximum financial benefit for the owner of a house, apartment, villa or apartment;
  • competent registration of all necessary papers and documents;
  • full-fledged technical support of the real estate object.

Cooperation with DomRent in the field of after-sales service ensures that all engineering systems will always be in good working order, the building and the surrounding area will meet the requirements of cleanliness and safety, and the relationship with tenants will remain simple, understandable and completely transparent.

Why DomRent should become your management company.

In order to competently and effectively manage real estate in the Dominican Republic, you need to have a deep knowledge of the local market, understand the needs and requests of tenants, and also have sufficient competence in construction technologies. The employees of our company have all this. Constructora Domino.in – a successful construction company in the North of the Dominican Republic and has 18 years of experience in the field of development services. Such an impressive work experience, as well as an extensive number of regular customers, are a weighty proof of the professionalism of our team, which allowed us to open a DomRent real estate management company in the Dominican Republic

By trusting DomRent to manage real estate in the Dominican Republic, you are guaranteed to receive the following range of benefits: 

  • Individual approach to solving problems of any complexity. 
  • Comprehensive service without the need to hire an extensive number of contractors. 
  • Detailed consultations and notifications about all innovations in the legislation of the Dominican Republic. 
  • Lightning-fast response to requests received 24/7.

Our company not only builds and sells real estate in the Dominican Republic, but also helps in its further maintenance. We are ready to take over the accounting and preparation of all necessary documentation. We help clients who do not speak English or Spanish and are not in the Dominican Republic on a permanent basis. In addition to regular rent, you will receive monthly detailed reports on the work done, and you will always be able to request detailed information about the current state of the facility. Our company services the real estate of the Dominican Republic on its own and with the involvement of proven contractors from the partner network, which provides a wide range of services and their impeccable quality. 

If you still have questions about the terms of after-sales service or you want to ask for help in real estate management, leave a request for a consultation with specialists or contact our consultants in the chat

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