Construction in the Dominican Republic is a very complex and responsible business. And as a rule, it has its own rules. The same applies to hotels, because in this article we will talk about what exactly should be the foundation of the objects of the hotel business.
Construction in the Dominican Republic. How to build a hotel in the Dominican Republic?
The first thing to remember is that absolutely all professional construction work that is carried out during the creation of hotels originates from the creation of documents and the preparation of materials for this difficult procedure. It is necessary to remind you to be ready – as a rule, construction is often delayed, and sometimes even at the stage of paperwork, so be methodical and consistent, do not rush.
Secondly, it is worth saying, after all, that the success of the case largely depends on who exactly is doing the work. Many companies undertake a full range of design and survey work and perform them efficiently in the most concise lines. Not everyone is famous for such a reputation, so it is necessary to choose efficiently and wisely. Before choosing, study reviews of the work of many companies, see what hotels they have built, find out the prices of other developers, as well as designers – all this will help you decide on a choice.
Thirdly, do not trust cheap construction prices in the Dominican Republic. From practice I can tell you:
you will end up paying a lot more for a poorly done job.
Each building erected in a specific location must meet certain requirements. The construction of the foundation should take into account:
🔹 the nature of the soil on which the hotel building stands,
🔹 climate, atmospheric effects, wind characteristics of the area,
🔹 terrain of the site,
🔹 depth of groundwater occurrence.
The cost of the foundation is about 15-20% of the cost of the building. Fixing an improperly executed foundation is difficult to accomplish and the costs of these works can reach 50% of the cost of the building. If the building itself has not suffered significant damage. Therefore, the choice of the foundation should be approached very responsibly. Skewed walls, poorly opening doors and windows, as well as cracks in the walls – all this is the result of an incorrect choice of foundation.
According to the method of resting on the ground , foundations are divided into
🔹 ribbon,
🔹 columnar (piled)
🔹 plate
In the Dominican Republic, it is customary to build empirically, giving the foundation a depth of 0.60 cm. It is not always appropriate to do a soil analysis correctly and on the basis of this find out the type and depth of the foundation for construction.

During the construction of Cristal Oasis Condos, a slab was filled in. Slab foundations are quite expensive due to the large volume of concrete and the consumption of metal for reinforcement. The choice of the foundation type is determined by the engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site, the purpose and design features of the building or structure, the amount of load transferred to the foundation, as well as the production capabilities of the construction organization.
During the construction of Cristal Oasis Condos Company she undertook a full range of design and survey work and performed them efficiently. The foundation slab was poured into the most concise lines. The foundation was poured for almost two days, 2 concrete production plants were involved at the same time.
🔹 127 cars
🔹 Filled 887m3 concrete
🔹 Plate thickness 0.45m – 0.60